

Imagine you started playing a new just-released game. What is one of the few questions that pop into your mind?

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I don’t know about you, but I would ask at some point, what is the objective of the game. And this is one of the basic questions we humans about their existence too. What are they here for? What is “the purpose of my life?”

A lot of people say you do have a purpose go discover it. And a lot of religious crap (sorry). A few other people may say the purpose of life is to find “happiness” so on and so forth. ( I think happiness is a scam will write about it soon 😂)

Here is what I think.

We are just another species living on a small rock in the infinite vast space filled with trillion other rocks and a million galaxies we are basically inconsequential.

We are just any other animal. The purpose of any animal to survive and reproduce. That is it nothing more, nothing less. So I think we have the same basic objectives in this game of life.

We, as a whole species have sort of interfered with the uncertainty of nature to build a more certain society. Now we live in a time where most of us don’t really need to go out hunting to eat food so survival in a sense has become easier and comfortable in this human interfered nature. Now, since surviving in these situations is easy compared to the survival in the past that is living in the forest escaping from animals hunting for food, etc. Our mind and body don’t have to work so hard to survive now and hence an obvious question pops up in my mind what my next objective. And I think there really is no objective beyond this. And hence we need to invent an objective to keep your mind and body occupied for the rest of your life.so I say we cannot discover our purpose because that would mean purpose proceeds life and hence we need to invent a purpose.

Let me know what you think.

PS: My thoughts in this article are a bit vague compared to the ones I wrote before this.


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