

What if I say you are reading this not by your will? what if I say whatever you have been doing since your birth till now might be predetermined?

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No, I am not talking about fate and all that religious stuff.

There is this concept in physics called causality.

Causality is the influence by which one event, process, state, or object contributes to the production of another event, process, state, or object.

which in simple terms can be said that for one event to happen there must be an event that must have caused it.

Any and every decision you make in real life are completely based on your thought.

Now comes the interesting part, are we even responsible for our thoughts. If yes that means we have thought the thought before we actually had that thought. If you have no control over what thoughts you will get, where is free will?

let me tell you something interesting about ants.

When ants are infected by a type of fungus called Ophiocordyceps unilateralis

They are no longer in control of themselves. the fungus releases chemicals like pheromones. Over the course of a week, it compels the ant to leave the safety of its nest and ascend a nearby plant stem. It stops the ant at a height of 25 centimeters — a zone with precisely the right temperature and humidity for the fungus to grow. It makes the ant bite the stem with great force, a force which it was previously not capable of. Eventually, it sends a long stalk through the ant’s head, growing into a bulbous capsule full of spores. It then leaves the ant's body to find a new host and propagate.

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Microorganisms make up only about 1 to 3 percent of the human body’s mass.

so whose thoughts are they really?

Do you still think you make the choices yourself? Do you still think it's you who takes all the decisions?

You cannot decide your next mental state, thought, or action until it arises. Where is the freedom in that process?


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