
Showing posts from December, 2020
YOU OUGHT TO SQUEEZE THAT WORK OUT SESSION INTO YOUR DAY!  No, it’s not just to own those massive biceps/triceps & abs and all that, but rather to encompass so many other subconscious factors into your lifestyle — the benefits of which you may only realize and savor once reaped! Well, spoiler alert though, this read may just spill some of those beans. So do delve into it and keep yourself hanging in there till the end to know why it really is in the best interest for you to squeeze-in that break-a-sweat session into your busy day… Honestly, what could be a better time for me to draft this blog and for you to be reading it than this pandemic struck situation the world is suffering where everyone is limited to the 4 walls of their homes. Why do I say so? Because — A) you’re at home majority of the time, B) studies show that the rates of self-esteem issues & anxiety attacks have relatively sky-rocketed over this period, and C) you really don’t need to be anywhere else but at home

Time to make the unconscious concious

Time to make the unconscious conscious Just a few months ago, who could have predicted that the world would be staring down the barrel of a spiraling health predicament and economic crisis unlike any witnessed in an eternity? Now, in a society gripped by the terror of a foraying virus, mental health is emerging as a pressing concern. Image credit: The Coronavirus pandemic has made people conscious about innumerable factors that they have been overlooking in their normal lives before this virus showed up. People have always been occupied with their work, be it their jobs, education, families, and what not! This virus has made us aware of the numerous things that we wouldn’t have noticed earlier. Over the years we’ve been ignorant of our health and mental well-being because we were so busy and pre-occupied by the workload and daily commitments. Stress, anxiety, deadlines, depression, etc. have always overpowered our lives without us actually rejoicing in the evanescence of li